Heylloo. I'm Leo and I personally welcome you to my blog. It's been a habit of mine to express my opinions and feelings through writing. I am not a professional journalist or writer. To me, it's more like a hobby. *Do click on the bird to follow my Facebook to see what I've been up to (:

The Winter's Gone

Diary entry #18 - 25 April 2012

Dear diary,

Whoops. I know it's been awhile since I've wrote anything. Honestly, I've just been lazy. I can't say that I've been busy because my busy would mean that yes, I have assignments but my gaming time is considered essential in my daily routine xP. I haven't been gaming much lately though. I've had weird sleeping patterns and so I waste most of my time on sleeping. I didn't draft out some posts I wanted to write about because I was waiting for photos to be uploaded. Well now that I can't recall everything, I'll just try to mention the things I can.

So few weeks back, I went for Tse Ann's birthday dinner at Chilli's and it was quite okay that we weren't separated into groups, conversation-wise. Surprisingly, Suk Kyi and I wore the same kind of checkered shirt, mine being blue and hers in pink. Later on Samsin came and she had quite a similar shirt as well. Tseann was acting all cute la you know, but it was her birthday so we'll let her go :p

Tse Ann's birthday dinner @ Chilli's !

Pig Ann & I (:

The checkered shirts team ;D

And then about 2 weeks ago, the 5 bunch of us went over to Deanna's house on a school day. We took the day off and baked cupcakes together for Dhaksha's birthday. It was also the first time I played around with my Dad's new DSLR. Noone hardly uses it though, except for me. Can I call it mine? XP. We had lots of fun that day. After baking, we had lunch and played Monopoly cards for a bit. Cheemeng fell sick so she went home early and accidentally took Adeline's IC with her. We decided to go cycling all the way to CM's house to retrieve her IC. We stopped by her house for some refreshments and also dropped by ChaTime later on for drinks. It was a dangerous, exhausting yet fun journey. Looking forward for the next cycling session! I could say the cupcakes were a success, and we celebrated her birthday in school. The exact next week after her birthday was Dee's. We had so little time to plan everything so I came up with lots of ideas for these two loved one's birthdays.

Us ! Dhaksha's cupcakes baking team.

Happy Birthday Dhaksha ! <3

Monopoly cards, they're fun (:

We decided to celebrate Dee's birthday on a Sunday which was last week. Went out with her the whole day. I can say the plan wasn't quite a success but it's okay I guess she doesn't mind :/. We went there really early to settle things like looking for a location for dinner, and also the cake. After we were done, we met up with Dee who went for yoga in the morning and we all watched 'Battleship'. Oh Rihanna's soo cool :D. Later on that night, I had to stall her for time and prevent her from going to certain places. Luckily she wasn't too suspicious and didn't really expect what was coming :p. She thought only the few of us were celebrating her birthday. We had hidden more than ten people at the restaurant, ready to surprise her. After all that planning, walking around and endless phone calls, it was all worth it for Dee. I also found out something that night, bwahahaha.
P.S: Will upload some pictures here once Adrian uploads them. (:

Anyway, I don't like how some people are comparing the way they celebrate their friend's birthday with how others celebrate. Is that even relevant to show off? I don't see how it matters whether you're making it grand, or having a simple celebration. It's the thought that counts. As long as you have friends that care for you and love you for who you are, it's more than enough. So stop comparing, we know you're one bunch of wild people with crazy ideas. But don't bring others down because you're feeling all proud going round boasting.

Sorry for the MIA. Will try to write more regularly. I've been listening so sad songs lately, I don't know why. It's not like I'm being emotional or anything haha. Maybe I'm in the mood for slow songs. Some of which I find I can relate my current situation to. Things aren't the same. I need to learn to accept that fact.

Til then,